So a little while back, I lost my Rouen female. I had been storing her eggs in the fridge for baking use and etc. I did not intend on hatching any of her eggs this year as I wanted her to be fully mature, but after watching a supermarket quail egg hatch, it made me wonder. I also picked up a super cheap PITA incubator from Tractor Supply a little while back when it was on sale for $24.99. Long story short, I picked 6 of the largest eggs that she laid most recently before her passing and pulled them from the fridge, they had been in there about 3wks. I left them out for 2 days and got the bator up and running during that time. So here we are on day 6 of incubation. I candled on day 5. 4 out of the 6 were clear, but 2 have blood vessels and maybe a little heartbeat? I am terrified and excited, but not too excited since it is so early and I would rather prepare for the worse.
Just wanted to share with you guys, because my co-workers don't get my excitement and are probably thinking I am a bit nuts right about now.
Just wanted to share with you guys, because my co-workers don't get my excitement and are probably thinking I am a bit nuts right about now.
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