Having TSC order chicks for you?!

Not sure about TSC but doesn't hurt to check with your feed store (TSC or not) if they do take special orders. Some places will simply add it to the orders they already have scheduled so your chicks will come with all the others they order. I don't know if there's any actual cost savings (maybe in shipping) but this way the employees will receive the order so no chasing around the postal service yourself.

Last time I was at my local feed store to get chicks they had one whole bin reserved, it was someone's special order awaiting pick up.
Our feed store does special orders. They have a list of about 20 breeds to choose from. It was like shopping for chicks! They didn't charge extra either for the chicks nor for shipping.
I got into quail last spring, but ordering chicks was ridiculously expensive and you could only get brown. The nearest breeder is 3 hours away. Ended up shipping eggs and though not ideal we started a little flock and have a variety of colors. I always feel bad for the shipped chicks, but most somehow survive.
Agreed, your best bet is to ask an employee at your local TSC store what their policy on ordering chicks. Most stores are able to add your order to their regular chick orders.

My concern with this would be the employees being able to correctly identify your chicks. TSC is notorious for misidentifying chicks. If they are able to order chicks for you I would recommend asking how they will tell your chick order from the rest of the chicks.

Personally, if you are looking for specific breeds I think your best bet is to order directly from the hatchery or breeder. Yeah, shipping is expensive, but the way I look at it is that it's worth it if the shipping costs less than I would spend in gas to drive there for pickup.
I got into quail last spring, but ordering chicks was ridiculously expensive and you could only get brown. The nearest breeder is 3 hours away. Ended up shipping eggs and though not ideal we started a little flock and have a variety of colors. I always feel bad for the shipped chicks, but most somehow survive.
yeah I'm always really worried that a chick or more may die in the mail.
Both Ideal Poultry and Murray McMurray Hatchery have low shipping if you order 15 or more chicks. Have used both multiple times with no fatalities! One bonus of these places (& the one below), is you can order just one chick of multiple breeds, so you can order 15 of 15 different breeds which can be fun to do!

I also like Mt Healthy, and they allow small orders of 6ish with a slightly higher fee, and also send you one extra chick (something the same as you ordered, so if only pullets an extra pullet of one of the breds!)

I was very afraid to order in the mail, but this will be 4 years with many different hatcheries. Another idea is to find someone else local and order together. People I know now approach me to “add a couple” to my order every year, if they only want a handful! Finally, you could order a larger amount, see which ones you like when they get there, snd sell the extras on Craigslist or Facebook for the cost you paid.

Good luck!
Both Ideal Poultry and Murray McMurray Hatchery have low shipping if you order 15 or more chicks. Have used both multiple times with no fatalities! One bonus of these places (& the one below), is you can order just one chick of multiple breeds, so you can order 15 of 15 different breeds which can be fun to do!

I also like Mt Healthy, and they allow small orders of 6ish with a slightly higher fee, and also send you one extra chick (something the same as you ordered, so if only pullets an extra pullet of one of the breds!)

I was very afraid to order in the mail, but this will be 4 years with many different hatcheries. Another idea is to find someone else local and order together. People I know now approach me to “add a couple” to my order every year, if they only want a handful! Finally, you could order a larger amount, see which ones you like when they get there, snd sell the extras on Craigslist or Facebook for the cost you paid.

Good luck!
I would probably go with murray mcmurray hatchery or Ideal, if the chick minimum wasn't 15 because we only want a max of 7 😅 Also I was looking into The Chick Hatchery here in Michigan and I thought the order minimum of 3 chicks was for your entire order, but NO it's 3 minimum per breed, and the order minimum is 25 chicks!! I was so mad lol. That's a good idea adding chicks for other people in your order to fill your order and get the minimum that they ask for. We would do that probably but we don't know anyone who owns chickens. Well, two people actually- 1 is my neighbor, and he is....a nutcase. 2 is my friend and she already has as much chickens as her coop can fit:hmm
I would probably go with murray mcmurray hatchery or Ideal, if the chick minimum wasn't 15 because we only want a max of 7 😅 Also I was looking into The Chick Hatchery here in Michigan and I thought the order minimum of 3 chicks was for your entire order, but NO it's 3 minimum per breed, and the order minimum is 25 chicks!! I was so mad lol. That's a good idea adding chicks for other people in your order to fill your order and get the minimum that they ask for. We would do that probably but we don't know anyone who owns chickens. Well, two people actually- 1 is my neighbor, and he is....a nutcase. 2 is my friend and she already has as much chickens as her coop can fit:hmm
Try Meyer, their order minimum is 3 in spring and summer and there is no breed minimum

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