Hawk harassing my hens.

lagrange chicks

Jul 27, 2023
Wednesday I was wondering why my girls were hanging out in the coop since during the day they are out in the run usually. Yesterday I get in from my morning deer hunt and still no chickens out in the run, so I go and check on them and see 5 chickens in 3 nesting boxes and 2 on the roost. When I come in my wife says there was a hawk running back and forth trying to get in the run, chickens bouncing of the hardware cloth in a cloud of dust. I am not sure how long it will take before they feel safe to come back outside so I put water back in the coop (take it out for the winter). I know if I was free ranging I probably would be missing some hens. Hoping they didn't damage there new feathers coming in bouncing of the fence since they are all molting now.
That's a bold hawk. Generally it can take a few days to a week or two for them to become more confident. It can depend on their age, and experience.

Do you have a rooster? He would probably let them know when they can safely go back out. How old are they?
Oh my goodness. I didn't know hawks are that aggressive when chickens are contained.
Didn't realize it takes that long for the trauma to dissipate before they're right again.
Apologies if this is a silly question, we don't really have hawks around her, they only pass through as they have eliminated most of the trees around here with construction. Are hawks deterred by any kind of yard art - such as a fake owl on a pole like used in gardens? Hawks don't hunt owls do they? I realize raptors will kill another raptor but aren't owls at the top of the food chain? Perhaps one placed on top of the chicken run?
Perhaps one placed on top of the chicken run?
That will freak the chickens out as well. Most of the decoys only work until the hawk is used to it, and realizes it doesn't move.

Younger birds are more inclined to hide inside longer because they have no experience or adults to tell them it's safe to go out. Adults may hide inside for half a day or a day than venture out the next morning. It all depends on the dynamic of the flock, and how comfortable they are in the coop.
If you have crows in your area, you may start giving them food and encouraging them to stick around.

Fake owl works for a couple of days before the hawk realizes it’s fake, but it freaks the chickens out too.

If you have a dog, you might let it out and scare the crap out of the hawk every time it’s around. I try to spray the hawks with a hose if they ever get too close lol.

Hawks are very difficult predators to deal with. They are resilient and persistent. I would keep your birds locked up in their run for a while and eventually this hawk may look for easier food after realizing it just can’t get in. Good luck.
If you have crows in your area, you may start giving them food and encouraging them to stick around.

Fake owl works for a couple of days before the hawk realizes it’s fake, but it freaks the chickens out too.

If you have a dog, you might let it out and scare the crap out of the hawk every time it’s around. I try to spray the hawks with a hose if they ever get too close lol.

Hawks are very difficult predators to deal with. They are resilient and persistent. I would keep your birds locked up in their run for a while and eventually this hawk may look for easier food after realizing it just can’t get in. Good luck.
This is what I do. I’ve only seen a few hawks but the crows chase them off persistently so I often feed them to keep them near and happy.
Chickens are a 11/2 years old. Had to cull the rooster. I am a little pissed off at the crows i have been feeding for probably 10 years that they didn't come to the rescue, my wife yelled out the window and the hawk flew off. She said the hawk looked mad it couldn't get to them. I got them to come out for a treat of some grapes and they stayed out most of the day then.
This is what I do. I’ve only seen a few hawks but the crows chase them off persistently so I often feed them to keep them near and happy.
I feed my crows every morning, just found out that one of my neighbors does as well as they like to walk over and visit the chickens. So the crows get double fed now and I haven’t seen a hawk in several months.

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