I had a pullet killed by a hawk while in a Chunnel :-( if I’d been home I’m sure I could’ve prevented it but I was out the whole day so the hawk had time to catch her. I really couldn’t have imagined it possible since I used 2” x 4” welded fencing and the Chunnel runs along my fence and is pretty discrete. I’ve never heard of this happening in another Chunnel - have you?
Seriously?! I’m scouting the internet trying to learn how to make Chunnels and you had a girl killed in one?! I thought this was the ultimate in safety. I’m so disappointed now. My girls are on lockdown and I need to come up with a way to keep them safe. I thought this was awesome. 😭😭
Thank you so much. Yes, in trying to be brief I didn’t detail- they have a fully covered and aproned run and a coop. Usually the run door is open all day and they go in and out as they roam the yard. Currently they are on run restrictions.
In your reply you touched on someone else I didn’t include- hoping this scare will inspire the hens to be more…. Wise :) This was their first scare and they are still young but they didn’t quite react until it was all over! Poor things.
They will be run restricted for a while. (Part of that is my own anxiety) Run is big enough for this but it is a shift for them. Looking into lots of extra things you mentioned as well. Shelters/Tractors etc. the yard is such a slope though I’ve got to plan out what will be feasible. Thanks again for your insight!

(and LOL about the border collie comment. I couldn’t agree more but I keep reading “get a dog” ha)
When they say get a dog they are referring to a livestock guardian dog. Their job is to actually protect your animals day and night.

For detterants you could try hanging think things around your yard, using motion sensor alarms would be good for land predators, decoys owls and hawks may work to.

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