Hawkeye vs Suede-Who Won?? Oops, Accidental Meeting! LONG

Oh my Cyn. You Did have a big day. Im so glad they are both ok....silly guys...they never learn.
I have a small white silkie in a pen next to my rumpless Aracauna. They were ok for the first few days, then POW! All heck broke loose. I went in to feed them one morning to find 2 very bloody roos, fighting through the fence. I had to put up metal roofing panels to keep them out of each others view. Glad your boys are ok!
If I was going to leave Suede in that coop, I think I would get those roofing panels, Deb. I did think of that previously, but since I'm going to move him to another location, it wouldn't make sense to do that at this point. For now, they'll just have to have those tacky thin corded type bedspreads hanging on the fence between them so they cant really see each other for awhile. Looks like I'm having my chicken pen double as a clothesline, LOL!
Wow! I'm glad you were there to separate them. They are both so beautiful!!!
And you must be exhausted!? Something like that really takes it out of me.
Take care of yourself. Nice hot bath. Some hot tea or chocolate or a good stiff drink!

I had my own little girl fight today it is just a little pecking order dispute but unlike in this case the supposed underdog came out ontop. My maran hen had a prime digging spot and my one favorrel wanted it so she atacked the maran. I like any good flock rooster broke it up. I atribute this crankness to the maran laying her first egg and my first egg yesterday also the favorrel should start any day.

I was a little nervous when I went to separate these two-never broke up a rooster fight before! But they didn't pay attention to me at all so it was easy to grab Hawkeye, toss him out of the pen, then pick up Suede. Hope that never happens again!
When 2 of my roosters got in a fight, I didn't know what to do since I got them that day and they were feral. They were free rangeing. After that fight those two became friends, lol.
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I always knew that Suede was a LOVER not a FIGHTER...... just look at his mug.... now that is a RICO SUAVE if I ever saw one. Glad that everyone made it out okay....

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