Hay with Molasses for Ducks?


Going in!
I'm not following. I know what it is, and I've used it for horses before but never with poultry. I wanted to know if it would potentially be a health issue for them. I can't think of why it would be, but there is a whole lot of expertise and experience here....so I thought I'd ask before dumping it in.
Do you want to use it as bedding? If so, I would say not to use it. And I say that because when it gets wet the molasses in it might cause it to ferment or grow mold.
I just edited my post above.
Okay. Thanks. That makes sense. This is just in the duckhouse, and we clean daily, and this is just a stopgap measure until we get our regular straw back. Think it's okay, or should I go take it out? It's supposed to be chilly tonight, and we want to give them some fresh bedding material.

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