Hello from another Southern Californian

Chillin' with Chickens

10 Years
Dec 26, 2009
What's my interest in chickens? It's our interest. My two grand-girls, wife and myself.

It all started with George. 5:30 in the morning we were all awakened by a loud screach. I immediately ran to the bedroom window. I thought a child was screaming on my propery. But, alas it was a chicken, actually a pullet; or maybe a rooster, as it let off what sounded like crowing a couple week later.

One of my g-girls laid a trail of crumbled cornbread through our back yard gate. The bait worked, and she closed the gate. That's Kaitlyn, 6 years old. I told her it was a rooster, so she named it George. But even though George sounds off in the morning, he/it doesn't have a comb, nor saddle feathers. I've changed my mind at least 4 times about it's gender. Shortest single comb I've ever seen, off-white legs, eartufts, basically red with a proud rising gray tail. Doesn't have a wide body, streamlined. Roosts up in my orange tree every night, same place. Doesn't get on the outside furniture, stays on the ground. We really like that. It's kind of wild, it comes to the back door when it thinks we're bringing food, but you really can't get close to it. OK, I'm hooked on chickens. But I'm afraid, I'm going to tell Kaitlyn that it's a girl.

I think my back yard can support a couple more. I want layers, preferably the prolific variety, or the novetly chochlate shell laying variety.

I'm sure I would be glad to hear from you all.

Season's greatings,

Hi! Great to see another Southern Californian around here. Welcome!

If you post a picture of George in the "what breed/ gender" part of the forums, folks love to give a go at guesses if it is a pullet or a cockerel or the breed. Either way, it sounds like an interesting chicken.
Ah, your site is wonderful. Beautiful chickens and chicks. I didn't steal your name. Not knowingly anyway. Thanks for the welcome.

Chillin' with Chickens :

I didn't steal your name. Not knowingly anyway.



It didn't even cross my mine when I posted. George is just a cool name; no wonder it is popular.

And thanks for the compliments!​
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