Hello, just a Yankee from Alabama!

And...I'm no longer beating the odds, I'm at the expected 50/50! Woke up to 2 more, both males. It would be nice if all breeds were auto-sexting, the difference between the females and males is night and day.
Doh! Another lesson: don't put two different auto-sexing breeds together in the same incubator! I thought the two males were Bielefelders, but one of them is a Cream Legbar. I just don't know which one!

Moved the four "oldest" chicks to the brooder, then moved in the lonely chick. She (no idea if it's a she!) seems to be OK, but she does seem to like pecking at feet. I guess because she hasn't seen other chick's feet except her own.

I kinda thought she was small when she was hatched, but putting her in with the others kinda confirms it. She is hardly any bigger than the others!

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