Hello New here. Thanks for having me. Can anyone help me out please?


In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2025
Hunter Valley NSW Australia
My 2x1week old Silkie chicks are sleeping with their heads down and beak touching the floor when they are asleep. They seemed ok earlier and could hold heads up and eat and drink…. Do you think I Should I be concerned please? Have to admit it’s really got me stressing and worried about our little ones. Especially one in particular as it seems to be a little quieter and less active. Very tired.

Make sure your chicks are warm with the proper diet and plenty of water.
They have heat lamp and the chicken starter crumble that they’d been fed at pet shop. So that’s kind of all I know atm. We only bought then today. Which has myself and my daughter very anxious as to the cause of thus. I’ve had many different breeds of chickens since I was a young child. However we have never had had Silkies. So was wondering if it is a sleeping habit for them to sleep with their little heads down low touching their beaks on the ground. Or if something is not right.

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