**help***Can someone please help with sorting out lime use

Which ever lime might be right, it's always confused me too, a muddy run will not be solved by it.

Is this your whole yard or just the chicken run?
We need to know more abut your specific situation in order to make viable suggestions.
Size of run, in feet by feet, and umber of birds in there?
Is there rain run off or snowmelt from nearby buildings or hardscape?
I had to dig some trench drains to handle the run off in my chicken run,
then coarse wood chippings takes care of the rest.
Which ever lime might be right, it's always confused me too, a muddy run will not be solved by it.

Is this your whole yard or just the chicken run?
We need to know more abut your specific situation in order to make viable suggestions.
Size of run, in feet by feet, and umber of birds in there?
Is there rain run off or snowmelt from nearby buildings or hardscape?
I had to dig some trench drains to handle the run off in my chicken run,
then coarse wood chippings takes care of the rest.
It's most of my run and coop areas. I don't know the exact square footage. It's really big, like probably between 1/2-3/4 of an acre total. Maybe more. I have one huge community run and within it are some 12x12 runs (3) and then outside of that main area I also have another run that is probably 40ft by 15ft all of it is a huge problem. I am in Tennessee and have high clay in the soil coupled with poor drainage. It is only a problem when it rains. I'm pretty sure the ER r recommendation is going to be to dig trenches to get the water to drain to more appropriate places.
From First Saturday Lime:
Active Ingredients: 0.1% Citric Acid 99.9% Calcite
So it's 99.9% Calcite, aka crushed limestone.
Perhaps squeezing a few lemons, limes, or oranges over a run would also provide some citric acid?
I know some people say that you shouldn't overdo it with citrus, but I can't see how a small handful of fruit would be all that harmful. Maybe they can just scratch the peels into a deep litter, too.
Which ever lime might be right, it's always confused me too, a muddy run will not be solved by it.

Is this your whole yard or just the chicken run?
We need to know more abut your specific situation in order to make viable suggestions.
Size of run, in feet by feet, and umber of birds in there?
Is there rain run off or snowmelt from nearby buildings or hardscape?
I had to dig some trench drains to handle the run off in my chicken run,
then coarse wood chippings takes care of the rest.
Focus on what aart suggested. Coarse wood chips are what you're looking for ... but they won't resolve a swamp. You'll have to deal with water drainage type issues if those are the root of the problem.

Pictures often result in better, more specific advice.

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