HELP !!Duck with infected wound (graphic photos)

@jacksmith378828 How are things going with your duck?
She is still doing good, you wouldn't even know anything is wrong if you looked at her from the front. The maggots are multiplying and I've been giving her baths and picking off maggots and black flesh, but she won't hold still at all. I think the infection is getting better, the skin around the wound is a nice pink color, I don't notice any bad smell, and the swelling is way down and the wound looks smaller. What do you think about using a beeswax, olive oil, and cottonseed blend to try and smother the maggots?
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I’ve never heard of using these before did you see this somewhere?
I've heard of people using ointments to starve them of air so they come up... I decided to put a ton all over the wound and it seems to be working, it looks like the maggots are getting close to the surface just after a few minuts so I'm going to start plucking and hope they decide to go further out.
I think this poor duck has a tumor that causes tissue death. Gross as it is, the maggots might have been helping by eating away the dead tissue.

I think the advice on how to get rid of the maggots from @Miss Lydia is good. The best follow up is with a vet. If that is not possible, please follow the wound care advice from @Wyorp Rock.

Please keep this poor duck in the house where flies cannot get to her. If you cannot consult a vet, and if the wound gets worse despite the wound care, a last-ditch treatment would be honey. Raw unpasteurized honey. Use it as a salve. This is a very old traditional treatment of bedsore in humans. I have seen it used on a human wound that had maggots on it.

Good luck, lots of tender loving care for you girl, and please keep us informed on progress
I have to agree. It really looks like the exterior tumor fell off (the bump you spoke of) but the cancer continued to spread.
I'm sorry you and your duck are dealing with this. One of my pet rats had the same scenario.
And yes, the maggots actually could help but they must be supervised. They will also eat live tissue once the dead is removed. This is (grossly) a valid medical technique in many places, including survival training. The biggest thing - they can and will penetrate into the body cavity.
That's why it's usually only done under medical supervision.
I've heard of people using ointments to starve them of air so they come up... I decided to put a ton all over the wound and it seems to be working, it looks like the maggots are getting close to the surface just after a few minuts so I'm going to start plucking and hope they decide to go further out.
I sure hope you can get them all out. Are you keeping her inside to keep the flies from continually laying eggs.
I have to agree. It really looks like the exterior tumor fell off (the bump you spoke of) but the cancer continued to spread.
I'm sorry you and your duck are dealing with this. One of my pet rats had the same scenario.
And yes, the maggots actually could help but they must be supervised. They will also eat live tissue once the dead is removed. This is (grossly) a valid medical technique in many places, including survival training. The biggest thing - they can and will penetrate into the body cavity.
That's why it's usually only done under medical supervision.
I'm not sure it was cancer, do you think it could have been a clogged oil gland? It first started out with 2 small growths on either side of her tail perfectly symmetrical. One went away but the other got worst and is now this. When the growth fell off it was full of green, cottage cheese like rotten stuff
I sure hope you can get them all out. Are you keeping her inside to keep the flies from continually laying eggs.
I have no way to keep her in the house, but I've been keeping her in the coop with everything closed and some spray to keep the flies away as well as keeping the coop clean

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