I gave Carmella her first food through the tube! She did well, and I was even able to do the whole thing on my own! I'm now helping her sit with her head up. Can't stay up much longer, but I will be up in the morning (7hrs from now) to give them more water and update all of you lovely people!
Ok. I hope you and the quackers have a restful night and that they're both feeling much better in the morning. Will check back in then. :thumbsup
Boy I just caught up and can’t say enough about how this all has gone from @casportpony walking you through the tube feeding to you @Lukemjm learning so fast and getting it done to all those in the cheering section. Amazing!! Sure hope this morning you see two babies feeling much better. Bless you all! This is what BYC is all about having that awesome support when we are faced with something we have never been through before with our flock. I know for a fact I could not do this alone. You are all Awesome!!
Phone died, so I woke up late. They are doing ok, both laying down when I came in. Carmella is still having trouble holding her head up, but she is doing it more than yesterday. No mucus this morning and her temps seem normal. Gregory is in a very good mood it seems he is recovering nicely. Still worried for Carmella.


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Just a thought - maybe try to mix a little mushed up banana in the feed the next time you tube feed. When my Gabby was sick and hadn't eaten in a few days, the Vet told me to give her some banana - something about lack of eating/drinking causes a potassium deficiency which can cause muscle weakness and further the loss of appetite. I don't know if it will help but I wouldn't think it could hurt...
I just read through this. You are doing great! Your duckies are lucky to have such a caring and dedicated person looking after them. I don't have a lot to add to the excellent advice you have gotten from other forum members, except to say that it took about 5 days of force watering/feeding before a listless hen who was suffering a raging infection from a bobcat bite, began to perk up. Sadly, I didn't have any antibiotics to give to her, so it was just food, vitamins, water and time (she made a full recovery).

Pulling for you and your duckies!

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