help!! i have a problem with DE!!

Yes, The celetom doesn't say on the label but, is listed as that. I also, have a green celetom bag.
Do you use food grade?

No, I do not believe it is food grade as the DE is a component of the stall dry--to dump out in stalls. I'm not sure why one thinks a product needs to be "food grade" (unless it's some kind of requirement to get organic certification or other type certification). I live out in the country and my chickens are treated well, but they are not house pets (meaning, I "get" that some chickens are pampered and only get the best of the best). Please do be careful with the dust, just because so-and-so has always used a product in such a way means that it's safe to do so--at least read the products warning label.
Agreed -- contact the manufacturer and do not use in your coop or around your chickens if it's not food grade DE.

If you purchased the wrong type, either try to return it or re-sell it to someone who can use it in their pool filter.
I would think that symbol would be universal for "Food Grade"
Do you use food grade?

No, I do not believe it is food grade as the DE is a component of the stall dry--to dump out in stalls. I'm not sure why one thinks a product needs to be "food grade" (unless it's some kind of requirement to get organic certification or other type certification). I live out in the country and my chickens are treated well, but they are not house pets (meaning, I "get" that some chickens are pampered and only get the best of the best). Please do be careful with the dust, just because so-and-so has always used a product in such a way means that it's safe to do so--at least read the products warning label.

Okay! Thanks! It says do not inhale. So I think it should work out!!

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