Help! I know people have dealt with before


Jun 18, 2024
I have 13 chickens, one of our chickens, a 8yr old buff orpington name clarabelle. Has not recovered since her sisters passing.

All our chickens are different breeds. We did have 4 buffs but all but her Has passed. Pearl, our last Buffy to pass, died early this year. Clarabelle has since stopped nesting with the flock. Had a saggy butt, (saggy butt meaning her tail is pointed down,) She has sad coos and cry coos when she nestles into us. She just seems really depressed.

My question is:
Is there anything I can do to help her?
Is she mourning?
And is she going to die of sadness?

And ideas or comments would be deeply apreciated.🙏🙏
a 8yr old buff orpington name clarabelle. Has not recovered since her sisters passing.

Clarabelle has since stopped nesting with the flock. Had a saggy butt, (saggy butt meaning her tail is pointed down,) She has sad coos and cry coos when she nestles into us. She just seems really depressed.
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I'm sorry to hear about your losses and that Clarabelle is not doing well.

Do you have photos of her and her poop?

How long ago was it that Pearl died?
Hens can miss their sisters terribly for a little while, but usually they can overcome the sadness, especially if they have other hens around.

8years is getting on up in years, but they can still lay eggs. When was her last egg?
I'd work on hydration, get some extra calcium into her for a week (1Calcium Citrate +D3 tablet daily), check her over for lice/mites and see that her crop is emptying.

It may be that she is also coming to the end of her life as well or she's having some reproductive problems. Hard to know, but it's a good idea to check her over and address any issues that she may have.
Welcome To BYC

I'm sorry to hear about your losses and that Clarabelle is not doing well.

Do you have photos of her and her poop?

How long ago was it that Pearl died?
Hens can miss their sisters terribly for a little while, but usually they can overcome the sadness, especially if they have other hens around.

8years is getting on up in years, but they can still lay eggs. When was her last egg?
I'd work on hydration, get some extra calcium into her for a week (1Calcium Citrate +D3 tablet daily), check her over for lice/mites and see that her crop is emptying.

It may be that she is also coming to the end of her life as well or she's having some reproductive problems. Hard to know, but it's a good idea to check her over and address any issues that she may have.
Most of our chickens are 8-12yrs old. All but her still lay eggs.her sister died in January, she has not laid an egg since January. We've been putting vitamins in her water and checking for disease in the flock. We've check for mites but there's nothing.😥
She is most likely sad that she is the only buff left. Chickens typically like to stay with their breed, and considering she has bene with her sisters for 8 years, she has a very deep attachment to them.

Try spending some more time with her to make her happier. Be her emotional support human. She is probably getting close to the end as well, and losing her sisters won't help prolong her life any.
How is she now? I had this happen with the duck but the duck didn’t die it flew away. The other one was so sad and constantly calling for him.😢 Hope she gets better!

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