What did you do in the garden today?

After getting the tomato plants tied up a couple days ago I decided that they still needed a little more pruning so I got that done. I was going to cut the grass around the garden beds with my string trimmer but ran out of line before I got to it.

So, after checking Amazon and HomeDepot.com I ended up ordering trimmer line from Walmart. Along with three 3oz grease cartridges I need to lube the mower wheels, three bottles of apple cider vinegar for the pantry, and a pair of wiper blades for my truck.

I won't need the wiper blades until this fall, but that's what it took for me to get the order amount up to $35 so I could get free shipping. It all should arrive by Saturday.
Sorry, so many pages behind and so many things to respond to...

That's it! My hubby told me the same thing, since unsubscribing didn't work. Thank you.

As Eagle 343 says, learn all you can. Get a book to read. Look online. We've had bees for a year, and while we have learned A LOT, we have barely scratched the surface.

Is there a beekeeper's club near you? Join and go to meetings. Do you know someone who has bees? Offer to help them. Being an extra pair of hands really is a big help.

Start getting the rest of the gear you'll need now; don't wait until you have a package of bees to find out you don't have something essential, like a hive tool or a bee brush. Some of the stuff isn't cheap, but some things are only $10-20.

Get a good quality bee jacket or suit. That's something I wouldn't skimp on. I feel "safe" in my jacket, and that helps keep me calm when bees are flying around. Yeah, I'm still a bit nervous around them.

I've dug a couple and I think they're ready. I'm going to give them a bit longer, just because I need to get out my drying racks and set them up.:rolleyes:

One way to see if they're "done" is to open up the bulb into individual cloves. My understanding is that the bulb separates into cloves later in the growing season.

We had a fresh clove in tonight's spaghetti sauce. :drool
Great ideas about volunteering! I have someone who is registered right down the road and was going to speak w them!
I was gifted a kit that came w hat and gloves but Iā€™m like you, need whole suit!! I also know there is no substitute for hands on too!
Yes, do your due diligence in learning. While beekeeping can be fun, relaxing, and dare I say relaxing (I'm a bit different) if you are not ready for them you will have an increase chance for having a bad time.
Thanks! Iā€™m anxious right now bc I really donā€™t know other than loving honey! Iā€™m eager to learn and try!
I need to clarify apparently. Sourdough rye is not the same as regular rye bread. There is light rye, dark rye, and pumpernickel rye. On a side from this thereā€™s also marble rye. Regular dark rye bread calls for brown sugar and molasses. Thatā€™s too much sugar. However, making it a sourdough version would be healthier.
Ok...I love the dark rye, pumpernickel & marble. I'd like to try a sourdough rye mix, sounds delicious šŸ˜‹

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