Help! Lucy got caught in a fence


In the Brooder
May 1, 2018
so my hen Lucy got caught in a fence upside down by her leg for several hours(we were out of town and found her like that upon return). She was really out of it, so we but her up by herself. She had clawed her own wing, and had an indent on her leg where she was hanging from. Fast forward 2 days her foot is swollen bad and she is favoring it. It looks like the webbing is going to pop. There was no blood on her leg from her injury(wing only) but I’m unsure as to what to do for her. She is still by herself. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
This is Lucy’s foot


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I would think there is swelling from her leg being pinched, and the circulation compromised while she was upside down. As long as the leg is warm and normal in color, she may heal just fine in a few days. Nerves can have pressure on them which also causes some numbness, and hopefully that will improve with time. I think that she is a lucky hen since you found her in time. Although she might have some residual damage, she may do fine in the long run. I once found one of my young pullets hanging from a handle on the feeder. She had just given up, and had stopped fighting, but we found her in time to prevent any permanent damage. Please let us know how her foot and leg get along. I think the warm Epsom salts baths once a day would do her good.

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