Leg injury?

I went back and looked at your initial photos which showed more detail. While the lesion is not precisely what I've seen, it does have characteristics of squamous skin cancer.
I had soaked it in the last pictures that were taken. It has definitely gotten worse, I guess I didn’t think about cancer as an option to start with. I haven’t had chickens very long though in my adult life so my experience in that isn’t great. I appreciate everyone’s help, I hope it can help someone else dealing with similar situations
Here is my thread about my rooster who has a squamous cancer on his leg. https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...e-not-injury-confirmed-to-be-a-tumor.1543307/ With photos.

At first I treated it as an injury. It wouldn't heal. It kept growing instead. That's when I suspected it was a cancer.
Thanks!! I think wyorp rock linked that, I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I know it is aggravating to have sick animals, especially when you feel like there isn’t much to be done. I read about the enzyme you used but I’m afraid hers might already be too far progressed since her leg is so swollen, it seems to be spreading to her body, and she feels lighter than she should. She also won’t really run from me anymore, I didn’t raise her so she’s not as much like a pet as my others. She used to run from me more. Thanks so much for your help. I think in one picture in particular it kind of favors my chickens leg, with the blackness of the skin and stuff. How would you treat the hen I have? Would you try treatment at this point?
I also had a hen with such a lesion on her back. It was so large and causing her so much pain, I euthanized her. My rooster's lesion is slower growing, and while it hurts him, it hasn't interfered with his life. Whether you decide to treat your hen is up to you.
I also had a hen with such a lesion on her back. It was so large and causing her so much pain, I euthanized her. My rooster's lesion is slower growing, and while it hurts him, it hasn't interfered with his life. Whether you decide to treat your hen is up to you.
I understand, she doesn’t act like she is in a whole lot of pain I just think it has to hurt by looking at it, and seeing how she isn’t so active. Thanks!! I think I will try and give her a good rest of her life and if the time comes when she is too bad off then I’ll have her put down. If she somehow improves I’ll update Lord willin

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