Help me dog people! Dog psychologist needed!

Do you know what the lumps are, Janie? My Gracie (Sheltie) had fatty tissue lumps - lipomas. She had them removed. Completely benign but one was pretty invasive, bigger than anticipated.
So far they've been benign lipomas but he has a new one growing on his shoulder and one of the old ones, on his head, has a lump growing right up against it. I will feel better if we check it out.

I saw a very old boxer, last time I was at the veterinarian clinic, that had growths hanging off him everywhere. He seemed happy though. His owner said he was nearing 13.
Rosie's got a few lumps that look and feel like fat wood ticks. No way I can put her under to remove anything, so we don't bother with getting them looked at. If Rosie makes it to July she will be 13 years old. She's definitely a treasure. My other two boxers were 10 and than 9. So having one live longer is a blessing. Hopefully Brewsters lumps are nothing to worry about.
Sorry to hear about Brewster. The tumors are one reason I probably won't be getting another Boxer. My Baxter had one lipoma removed, but so many more tumors appeared later and by that time he was just too old to go through surgery again (and he had heart problems). He had one that was likely cancerous right over his eye and it was awful. But he lived 14 long years.
I've said several times no more boxers, but they are just so hard to resist. Poor Dexter was our longest lived boxer. He was also the largest. He weighed 98lbs. He had a stroke two years before he died and had to be hand fed and watered. He did get to where he could eat and drink on his own to a certain extent. He died on his birthday. I believe he was 11, but he may have been 12.
He was our "talker" up until his stroke.
I've said several times no more boxers, but they are just so hard to resist. Poor Dexter was our longest lived boxer. He was also the largest. He weighed 98lbs. He had a stroke two years before he died and had to be hand fed and watered. He did get to where he could eat and drink on his own to a certain extent. He died on his birthday. I believe he was 11, but he may have been 12.
He was our "talker" up until his stroke.
Boxers are like children, and are hard to resist. I try to think that the dogs I have now would still exist whether I had them or not. Me not getting them won't make them live longer, and I know I can give them a good life here. I am continuously amazed there are boxers in rescue, and abused at a times. I need to give few a better life, even if it means I go through some rough stuff at the end.
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Have you all seen "minnie boxers"
I know they aren't full boxer but from what I've read they have the personality. Most are under 45lbs which would be a boon for me.
I've seen them here and there. Most I've seen are made by crossing with a Boston terrier. I haven't seen an actual breeder before. Boston's can be like boxers in many ways, although I'm not sure if they have that same way of making trouble like a boxer. My brothers boxer was only 45 pounds. She was a little busy girl.
I've seen them here and there. Most I've seen are made by crossing with a Boston terrier. I haven't seen an actual breeder before. Boston's can be like boxers in many ways, although I'm not sure if they have that same way of making trouble like a boxer. My brothers boxer was only 45 pounds. She was a little busy girl.
That's the perfect size, I think. Big enough not to trip over, and small enough, to pick up and carry, if you need to.

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