HELP!! My egg internally piped 6 days early!

I just did another thread that’s more about the gosling’s health instead of pipping early, which I know not know is not early.😂
Thanks! I literally couldn’t find anything on how many days it takes other than Safari saying 35 so thanks!
You're welcome. Sorry I didn't see your question sooner. Glad your baby is doing well! I have about 8 of my own sebbies in the incubator testing fertility. Due at the end of this month.
You're welcome. Sorry I didn't see your question sooner. Glad your baby is doing well! I have about 8 of my own sebbies in the incubator testing fertility. Due at the end of this month.
Thank you! Good luck with your hatch! the gosling also has a bit of a scab where it’s umbilical cord was. I assume this will just fall off as it grows. Am I right? Sorry this is my first time hatching geese.

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