Help, my neighbor is family, and their dog keeps attacking my chickens

What exactly is "yuck grody food"? Where can I get some?
What exactly is "yuck grody food"? Where can I get some?

When I was first learning how to cook (bless the boyfriend's stomach... LOL) I made a LOT of bad stuff... I buried or hid it for the animals to eat (should have seen my BRICK bread loaves... soggy cookies... BRICK AND ROCK like chocolate chip cookies... they were WEAPONS of mass destruction. I throw it at your head, you get concussion lol)

We had yucky Chili (too many beans, too much peppers and too much salt)
We had bad deer roasts (... iono what I did to it, but ughh...)
Usually we left them out for the critters (squirrels) but the dogs usually got them

ughh... and the darn cat fish I "tried" to cook.............
:hmm some steaks I overcooked... (black chunks of meat???)

Find a young girl whose TRYING to learn how to cook for the first couple of months... HAHAHAHA
We had a trainer for 2 GS we rescued that hated people (not us). One of his methods which we did not like and was the deciding factor in firing him was a "fireworks" tool. Explained: if the dog tried to get out the door without permission or do something he was not supposed to do he would set off this little hand device that sounded like gunshots/fireworks. The dog would immediatley have his tail between his legs and run and hide. I heard this thing when the dogs were not around and it scared the hebies out me. Dunno what the name of it was but I am sure you can find it on the net. Just cannot use it too often or it becomes mute.
We did the 2 dimes in an empty coke can with one of our dogs whenever she tried to run out the door and it worked. Kinda like lions in Africa make lots of noise and they don't come near.
It may be worth a try banging a metal garbage lid with a stick instead of a shotgun.
you happen to have an idiot relative and I would treat them as I would any idiot neighbor. you have to be rid of the k9 if they are not going to care enough to restrain it. poor dog.
I have a sister who thinks I am the one who's nuts!
Her backyard is securely fenced in, thus, she believes she doesn't need leashes.
I have let her know that if she brings her dog(s) onto my property after we move, she'd better have hers on leashes before opening her car door, brought her kennels along, or risk the dog(s) being shot in front of her and whoever else, grandchildren, included - if the dog(s) bolt to run.

My property=My rules!
I like the perimiter fence idea. You would have to keep the batteries changed though. I also like the SSS method. I've never heard it talked about. I often give warning whots anytime I see a dog in the yard I don't know. Doesn't work for one of the neighbors dog because he just freezes and looks for the falling bird to retrieve. Those that do mess with the chickens only do it once If I catch them. If you do shoot to kill make sure the dog doesn't leave your property. If it limps home you have to proove it was on your property when you shot it and you may be responsible for several thousand dollars of vet bills. In the mean time stop by your familys house and thank them for locking up the dog. Tell them a little story of a pretty golden retriever that was getting a little too curious about your chickens. You decided to go ahead and take it out before it killed a chicken because it is easier to bury someone elses dog than your own chickens. It only took three or was it four shots. It's hard to remember because of all the yelping and thrashing around. It was messy but well worth it to save your chickens. Now you think you'll just shoot any dog that gets close to your chickens because it was so easy.
If you can sell that story they may not let the dog out again. Only problem is if anything happens to the dog it'll be your fault whether you had anything to do with it or not.

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