Help!....My son wants a dog!

Sorry forgot to quote, I don't know how to delete it....
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I do not interfere in interactions beween adult dogs and puppies unless there appears to be imminent danger of physical harm to an individual. Adult dogs will make incredibly threatening noises and gestures towards annoying puppies but rarely will they injure them. These interaction are educational and important to puppies. MOst adults will tolerate almost anything from a puppy until they are near 4 mos of age, at which time what we call the "puppy passport" comes to an end. At this age, puppies are expected to demonstrate respect and to begin to interact with adult dogs on a normal basis. You sometimes see a lot of growling, body slamming, muzzle grabbing with growling, etc, by adults as they impress on these imupdent puppies exactly where their place is in the hierarchy. Again, I do not interfere unless injury is happening.

JMO as always....
That is great information! Thank You! I am hoping then that Bella is letting her get away with it for now...... but will put her in her place when the pup is of age.
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On a good note she is VERY smart! She has already learned to sit and that she must wait to be invited in to come into the house and she is quickly catching on to the potty training. She won't go in her kennel AT ALL so crate training is doing wonders! Here are some pics I took of her

I don't see any worries, cute pup. Nothing like a boy and his dog. Hope he's walking him? Your son looks to be the right age to to have a pup and the responsibility with supervision.
Oh wow! She's a beautiful pup, has an intelligent look to her so I'm not surprised she's learning so much already :D LOL I read the beginning a bit and little in the middle but never found out the breed of her but she looks VERY much like a beagle cross, sooooo adorable!!! XD
On a good note she is VERY smart! She has already learned to sit and that she must wait to be invited in to come into the house and she is quickly catching on to the potty training. She won't go in her kennel AT ALL so crate training is doing wonders! Here are some pics I took of her

Wow! Amazing pair.:D Your son is a handsome young man with a beautiful pup! I'm sure he will be very responsible with his new dog. Good luck!
Thank You all for the kind words and encouragment! Things are going well. I do need to have him walk her more on a leash. He has been taking her out and walking the property with her following as she struggles ALOT when you put her on a leash and it bothers him to see her pull and yelp. BUT I do think it is time to get the job done. Thanks Mstricer for the reminder! We are going to work on that today.
I have two setters, an Irish and an English, both neutered males. The english is 4 and the Irish is our old man at 9 years old. Since loosing our 14 year old lab female who ran the dog herd, we have been having some tug-of-war over dominance between our remaining two. Actually, the younger english is trying to take dominance adn our Irish just ignores him.

I don't allow any growling at each other in my presence. If they get upitty an dwonlt settle down, I send them outside away from me, which is a huge punishment for them. The rule in our house is that they behave inside. I am the boss and I say who gets attention and when. In fact, last night I had our Irish Setter on his back, belly up because he growled at me when I went to take the chew away before putting them out for potty before bed. After he submitted (relaxed) and I took away the bone and put it in my pocket, I got the "I'm so sorry Mom" kiss-up from him.
I am sad to say that Miley snapped again......Thank God it was me this time. So today she will be going back to the shelter. I still think it is from her experience at the shelter...she doesn't seem to have a nasty personality. But I feel with children in the house, mine as well as friend's children, I can't take any chances on someone getting bitten.
I agree that she might not be the right dog with you. sadly, though, snapping is VERY normal puppy behavior to a certain point. It is how they communicate. Honestly, you should look into a slightly older dog that is past this stage.

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