Help! Panting at Night?


In the Brooder
Nov 17, 2022
Hello! We have four 23 week old hens that have been panting in the coop the past few nights. It’s been warmer here recently (80°F during the day, 60-70°F at night). We are located in Atlanta, GA and the weather has been a little all over the place the past few weeks. Tonight is 68° F. I just checked on our girls again and their wings are spread and they are panting. I believe we have plenty of ventilation in the coop and didn’t think 68 would be too hot. Is this normal behavior during warmer weather? Or could it be fluctuations temps with little time to acclimate?

This has me so worried about our girls! It’s not even summer yet! Advice please!
Can you please post photos of your coop, inside and out?
Sure thing! The exterior photo is before we got our girls. We have two windows and ventilation on three sides of the coop. Let me know if you think I need to make any adjustments. Thanks!


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Pretty Coop!

Do you have all the windows open now and they are still too hot?

Is so, then you may need to add more ventilation.
Thank you! The window that opens to the inside of their run is currently cracked. The other is closed because we don’t have any hardware cloth covering it. Do you think leaving the windows open at night is okay? I don’t want to create any drafts.
I would get the windows covered with hardware cloth asap so they are secured against predators.
You want those windows open in hot weather.
Hot weather, the more air flow the better.

Direct drafts usually apply in cold weather, you don't want cold winter air just blowing on them.

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