Help! Pekin duck tilts head


Sep 30, 2019
We recently got a Female white pekin duck. Around 4-5months old. We got her around a week ago (September 21st) and since then everytime she walks she tilts her head side to side. She has been showing this since September 22nd. We thought maybe she would stop after a few days but she has not.
Our male duck has not done this once since we had him. The only thing we could think of is when we first got her she was pinned down with a net and then one our way home she ended up puking on her self. But I do not see why that would cause the head titling. She has been eating and drinking the same thing the male duck has been. ( I have a video but I can’t seem to upload it so I hope I explained it well)
I firgure it out by posting the video on Facebook. She seems to be flirting with the male. One person called it beebob. I feel I did not explain it as best as I could. I apologize for not explaining better. I didn’t know how to.

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