HELP! Rooster spur came half out!!

I Love My Chkns

In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2017
My roosters spur came half out and I'm cleaning it up, but do I pull it out? Should I clean it a specific way? Should I give him some kind of drug? Sorry I didn't give too many details, I'm just rushing. Please answer the questions above asap.
You can also put a little cornstarch on to help stop bleeding if the pressure doesn't.
One of my roo's lost a spur defending the flock from a hawk and he did fine. The spur eventually grew back. Just make sure it's clean and keep an eye on it for any infection. It will likely be fine. But if it was a fight with another roo, then you should separate them as the fighting may continue or get worse and the injuries can be pretty severe when that happens.

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