Help with a very weak chick!


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2023
We just had a broody hen hatch 9 chicks successfully, I went to take out the 2 remaining eggs 4 days later as Momma stopped sitting on them and found one of them hatched! It looked as though it didn't absorb all of the yolk but was chirping and squirming. We took it inside to put under a heat lamp as we noticed it was really weak and mom was dragging it around as well as the other babies.

Since the chick has been very lethargic, it chirps it squirms but doesn't stand. It almost looks like it's head is to heavy. It can move their wings and legs but still when I help it stand the head is flopped BUT it can still move their head. I ended up giving it a slurry of electrolights and raw egg yolk and it seemed to help, it perked up a lot.

I'm not expecting much, but figured if it's chirping and moving Id give it a fighting chance...but does anyone have any idea what's going on? I've never had a chick like this before... Any advice??
I added pictures to give some idea of what it looks like and is doing..


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She looks like she hatched too early. Keep feeding her, put her in a small lined cup so she can extend her neck when she's ready.
Thank you!! She has made some progress since yesterday, she is holding her head a bit more on her own putting some weight on her legs when assisted and doesn't just stay sprawled on her side anymore. I'm going to keep feeding her yolks and try offering some mashed starter tomorrow if she's holding her head up better, keeping her in the brooder unless I'm feeding her. We will see how far she goes!! Thank you!


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She looks like she hatched too early. Keep feeding her, put her in a small lined cup so she can extend her neck when she's ready.
I have a chick very similar and thought the same thing but have a stupid question--how on earth does a chick hatch too early? I can see an animal born early when the mother goes into labor but what causes a chick to crack its egg and head out when it's not completely ready? It has to do the work, how can it do it early?

Mine is very similar--could not hatch completely, we had to help it, lethargic, likes to draw into the egg position, doesn't want to open its eyes, no balance or strength, no appetite--just seems like he wasn't quite ready. (Also, no down but has insanely long feathers! I told him he should have focused more on muscle development and less on the hairdo.)

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