Hen coughs and shakes her head? Any ideas? Update!

Will the tylan 50 say how much to inject her with? And what size needle do you use? And where do you inject a chicken? I am a newbie and want to make sure I do it right if I can buy some at tractor supply in the morning! Thanks for all your suggestions. Oh and I guess she probably weighs about 7 pounds. Thanks again, Mary
i was just reading in a poultry magazine last night..they metioned those sympyoms...they said it could be blocked/impacted crop symptoms.(gaping mouth..shaking head)..
...just a thought..best of luck, Wendy
Went to tractor supply and got Tylan 50 and injected my hen. I really hope it helps. I was a little nervous giving her the shot. I also bought her some poultry drench nutrient that is supose to give her a boost. I will wait a few hours and then give her some directly in her mouth. THanks for all the suggestions and info. I was at a loss to figure out what to do. I will continue to keep a close eye on her. I am keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks agian, Mary

Last edited by mada25 (Today 2:25 pm)

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