Hen given enrofloxacin after fox attack-can you eat eggs? Is it okay if eggs are incubated?

Aug 31, 2020
I have a 9 month old English Orpington who was injured by a fox and had a pretty significant wound. She just finished her antibiotics and is doing great! She started laying eggs again yesterday while on her last day of antibiotics. What is the wait time for eating her eggs? Is it safe for her to hatch any eggs?
For now I am discarding the eggs but am wondering what to do going forward. I am so happy my little friend is doing well; probably about another 1-2 weeks for her wound to heal completely.

thank you for your help :)
I'm not certain on that line of medications but Usually you avoid incubating eggs until a hen's close to a year for chick health. I'd wait for about a month for the meds to wear off before you incubate.
I'm not certain on that line of medications but Usually you avoid incubating eggs until a hen's close to a year for chick health. I'd wait for about a month for the meds to wear off before you incubate.
Thank you for the advice- I think waiting until she is older is a good idea-I would want to give chicks the best chance of a healthy hatch 🐣

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