Hen looks... drunk??


9 Years
Feb 13, 2015
South Jersey, USA
All of our birds are slightly over a year old at this point, most have been doing pretty well lately other then some bald patches as the base of the tails on about half (not sure if an overly active rooster, of maybe a mite issue, we started spraying them on occasion with Poultry Protector and sprayed around the coop as well, and tried saddles for a little bit, as well as freshening up the dust bath kiddie pool). One thing that I noticed in the last couple days is that one hen when standing still seems to have her head slowly fall to one side, and then she will straighten back up quickly, only to repeat the process, without end. Her body stays still, just the head and neck... She is one of the ones with a prominent balding backside. Anything I can check on or look out for, or just preventatives?

They are not free range as we have a lot of hawks in the area. Two feeders, one with an all flock and one with a layer feed, which is their primary diet. We lost a couple about early in the fall last year, hoping if there is an issue to get it taken care of quickly.
Coop is about 28sq ft, 9 birds (more than I had originally planned on). Run is about 160 sq ft. Dust bath was a mix of peat moss and play sand with a couple handfuls of DE thrown in and mixed.
There are several possibilities:
Your hen has external parasites, she needs to be wormed, or the rooster is overmating her and caused an injury.
Closely inspect your hen for lice or mites especially around the vent area where it's warm and moist. Use Permethrin dust to kill them. The coop and nest boxes will need to be treated as well.
Worm her and the rest of your birds using either Valbazen or Safeguard liquid goat wormer.
Closely inspect your hen along the sides of her body/abdomen area for injuries due to the rooster over treading her.
If the chicken saddles arnt working, put peepers on the rooster. Peepers work.

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