Hen making snoring noise

What medication do you have access to?
I've nothing in stock, I'm considering oxytetracycline as powder which I had ,checked it and it has gone bad so I would have to buy a new one currently I gave the chicken ACV, Garlic and ginger mixed together in her water while I figure what medicine I should give her, she's eating and drinking by herself no other symptoms still
I'm glad she's eating. Could you brew a strong cup of echinacea tea and also put dried echinacea into her feed. I've used it often to boost my chickens immunity. Also put dried peppermint tea on her being while she's sleeping. I've also used eucalyptus essential oil. It really helps open their breathing airways. I had three chickens in my house at one time with a couple of humidifiers running, eucalyptus and peppermint oil, and echinacea in their water and food.
I'm glad she's eating. Could you brew a strong cup of echinacea tea and also put dried echinacea into her feed. I've used it often to boost my chickens immunity. Also put dried peppermint tea on her being while she's sleeping. I've also used eucalyptus essential oil. It really helps open their breathing airways. I had three chickens in my house at one time with a couple of humidifiers running, eucalyptus and peppermint oil, and echinacea in their water and food.
Got none of that stuff over here unfortunately, it's a 50 miles trip to get them
I have a mother hen doing the same noise, she's totally separated from the flock I assume it's due to extreme hot weather?

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