Herbs in brooder


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2024
I made a mix of herbs to eventually mix into the dust bath. However, I am wondering if I can sprinkle some in my brooder since they have been dust bathing in the pine shavings.
What mix did you make?

I don't really see any harm sprinkle a small amount of crushed herbs into the brooder. They may pick up a few pieces and eat them, no worries if they are edible.
Yes, you most definitely can sprinkle some in your brooder. Your chickens/chicks will love it! I use peppermint, marigold, marjoram, chamomile, lavender, fennel seed, rosemary and parsley. I put it in their nesting boxes, dust bathing areas, in their chicken coop and also sprinkle some inside their chicken run. It also helps to deter mites, lice and many other rodents. This is a good article that talks about different herbs and how you can use each of them around the chicken coop: https://www.backyardchickensmama.com/best-ways-to-use-chicken-nesting-box-herbs/

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