Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

Nothing at all wrong with having several breeds for eye candy and delightful personalities to boot. Just remember, when it comes to breeding, whatever you decide on, keep it pure or your heritage flock will be just another motley crew of birds in your back yard.

If if you really like buff rocks, there's a guy in the hot west that has some beauties! I can't think what state he's in right now but perhaps I can find his info for you.

Oops... right guy, wrong breed. He has buff leghorns! Stunning birds! But... I believe there is someone in Texas (?) that got some buff rocks from Tom Roebuck this past year and boy are they nice! Hopefully that person still gets on here and will see this and help you out if that's the way you want to go.

Oops... wrong again. It is cbnovick and they live in Scottsdale, AZ so quite hot there and the birds are the ones I mentioned. If you look up that user name, you can find them... again... if it's what you decide to do. Just trying to help.

cbnovick farmed out her Roebuck Buff Rocks to a couple of people here in AZ including me. I decided not to continue on with that breed, and sold all mine to another gal about 1-1/2 hours from me, Debra57 on BYC. She and the other person who got the Buff Rocks, maryhysong on BYC, are working together as partners with them. ***Whew*** hard to keep up with all that moving around but now you have it!
Well, if you want to show your birds, then pick a popular APA heritage breed.

Thanks Karen, but I would not be interested in showing them, only having good, quality, correct fowl.

Nothing at all wrong with having several breeds for eye candy and delightful personalities to boot. Just remember, when it comes to breeding, whatever you decide on, keep it pure or your heritage flock will be just another motley crew of birds in your back yard.

I realize that. It is why my husband and I are planning a separate covered run where I can collect eggs from mating pairs for this purpose.

cbnovick farmed out her Roebuck Buff Rocks to a couple of people here in AZ including me. I decided not to continue on with that breed, and sold all mine to another gal about 1-1/2 hours from me, Debra57 on BYC. She and the other person who got the Buff Rocks, maryhysong on BYC, are working together as partners with them. ***Whew*** hard to keep up with all that moving around but now you have it!

Thanks for the info. My husband is absolutely enthralled with Buff Rocks and I like them as well.
Thanks for the info. My husband is absolutely enthralled with Buff Rocks and I like them as well.
Yes, they are beautiful and the Standard Bred ones are big birds. I goofed a bit in the last post (see, even I can't keep track of where they all went). I sold my adults to Debra57 but all the youngsters that I had already hatched went to Laron Dewitt in Mesa, AZ. He shows chickens but he is not on BYC as far as I know.
Yes, they are beautiful and the Standard Bred ones are big birds. I goofed a bit in the last post (see, even I can't keep track of where they all went). I sold my adults to Debra57 but all the youngsters that I had already hatched went to Laron Dewitt in Mesa, AZ. He shows chickens but he is not on BYC as far as I know.

Naturally the ones I really like are going to be difficult to find. Do you have Laron's information?
Naturally the ones I really like are going to be difficult to find. Do you have Laron's information?
If anyone can help you find high quality Buff Rocks,
it will be the folks on this list.

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YardBirdMom i think your big show is in shawnee dont know the date i know a girl in claremore has langshans and cornish
And theirs tim63 near okc with killer buff banty brahmas
YardBirdMom i think your big show is in shawnee dont know the date i know a girl in claremore has langshans and cornish
And theirs tim63 near okc with killer buff banty brahmas

I think the Brahmas are fascinating and beautiful birds, but for whatever the reason I am not a fan of the Bantams, in any breed. Not sure why either, they are adorable, but I have no desire to have them. I've always liked large breed dogs, wide, stocky built, foundation (bulldog) quarter horses, Angus cows (wide, long, big), and think I like the bigger breed of chickens as well

They would have this big show at the Shawnee expo center? If so, I can call and see if they have an itinerary for upcoming shows and hopefully find out. Would be a great place to start I suppose, thank you!
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I'm the same way. I LOVE my large fowl! I really like bantams too but there are only a couple breeds that I would have. I've had rose combed, rhode island red bantams, my kids had old english game bantams (not me), and it took me a long time til I finally decided to work on Andalusian bantams. I love my Andalusians and bantams was just the next logical step. :)
I need suggestions: My breeding pens are mostly without males now and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on reintegrating the hens into one pen. My temperatures over the next two weeks are going to be close to and just over 100 degrees. Should I wait until we have some cooler days? I want to get it done but I don't want them fighting when its so hot as it provides an open invitation to heat stress. I don't need birds collapsing on me.

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