Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

I'm in VA and was given the name Wil Hanley as someone who is supposed to be at the show (VA Breeders show) If there is are others you
could recommend, please let me know.

Here is one of our hens. All three pretty much have the same crummy tail set. So frustrating.

Here is our cock bird -- keeping an eye on the dominant cock (molting hackle and tail feathers) and another strutting his stuff this past summer. He is 16 months old now.

Wil is definitely a good source. He has some very nice birds. And as YHF pointed out the Poultry Congress is in the heart of Langshan land, I'm envious of you folks out that way! I think Mike House is out your way too (Edit: I was wrong, Mike is in NC) and he would be a great person to contact as well. Harvey Noel is out there too I think and just won BB at the Ohio National with a pullet that made me drool.

Edit 2: The pullet that made me drool. Photo Credit to Mike House, Langshan Breeders USA Facebook group

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Well, no one wants these extra Sussex pullets I have for 19. each.
I wish I hadn't been so rushed going to Columbus. I could have sold
them there. Oh well. I posted them on the PA unite thread for 15. each.
Maybe someone will be interested. Some of them started laying this
month. But there are only two of us here and I don't need 11 hens here.
I don't see how ya'll get buyers for your birds, no one around here
wants to buy mine. Been advertising them for over a month. Well, if I
can't get buyers, I will just cull them. They are good pet quality, not
breeders because of their cushions. . That's what happens when a novice
holds on to the birds too long. I won't make that mistake next year. I
will cull at 18 weeks and cull all the boys except the outcross ones at hatch.
Nice thing about being able to feather sex this strain. Good thing is, I have
been able to watch this strain develop and learned more about them. So I
guess that's worth while.
No, I won't give them away. I learned in the flea market trade that kind of
kindness gets one a reputation where everyone expects a discount, even
when the merchandise doesn't require one. Takes time to fix one's rep back
to "don't expect a discount every time" status. Just not worth it.
Karen, Cushions are NOT the monumental problem you are making them out to be. Can we see some photos ? Don't want you throwing out the baby with the bath water here.
Any advise on a good/recommended off the shelf cabinet incubator? Dickey, GQF?

I've used both GQF Sportsman and Dickey for years with good success. Dickey worked a bit better for bantam ducks and more even humidity. This season when I came back to chickens I downsized and sold off all of my 20+ year old cabinets and got a brand new 1502 and 1550 with the all digital panel, and I love them. The new cabinet material is so easy to wipe down and sterilize. The digital read out of temp and humidity were spot on in real time. Not to say the old ones aren't great and worth the investment, but if money isn't a deciding factor, I can't recommend them highly enough.
I've used both GQF Sportsman and Dickey for years with good success. Dickey worked a bit better for bantam ducks and more even humidity. This season when I came back to chickens I downsized and sold off all of my 20+ year old cabinets and got a brand new 1502 and 1550 with the all digital panel, and I love them. The new cabinet material is so easy to wipe down and sterilize. The digital read out of temp and humidity were spot on in real time. Not to say the old ones aren't great and worth the investment, but if money isn't a deciding factor, I can't recommend them highly enough.
Where did you get your 1502? There is one on e-bay (new) for $40 less than from GQF and the shipping anywhere in the US is $75. Tried to call GQF today but it was too late, wanted to know what they would charge for shipping to Oregon.

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