Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

I hope you all find some relief from the hot weather. We're still in June Gloom mode here, cloudy and cool most of the day, with the sun peeking out toward mid afternoon. It's pretty typical from May (May Gray) to early July here, something that sorely disappoints tourists who think that it's always sunny here.

Dinner tonight will be lasagna, salad, and fresh bread. There will only be 3 of us tonight because DS is going to a summer celebration party at the house of one of his friends.
Hi everyone! This nice weather has kept me in the garden. We have such a short growing season here that I have to take advantage of it when I can. We pared it down to the essentials this year. Every year it seems like it gets bigger! It is now at least 4 times the size it was 3 years ago. I love it. DH has made some wonderful changes and is home to help me with it a lot more!

Last year was kind of a disaster. We added manure and it grew tons of weeds. It will take us a while to get them all out again but his help is so nice. Usually I try a bunch of different things. But with the way things are we need to grow the necessities. We did try horse radish for something new this year but other than that we have 5 rows of potatoes, 4 rows of onions, 2 rows of peas and 1 row of carrots. Also I have 2 tomato plants, zucchini and pumpkins. Admittedly these are for Halloween and my chickens
but don't tell DH!!!

Tonight will be BBQ burgers at DS request. Not sure what will be with it yet. Maybe homemade potato chips. Does anyone remember the Chip Shot? My Mom (bless her soul) bought me one 15 years ago. You put the whole potato in the tube and squeeze the handle. Out come regular or ripple thin slices. Its fantastic! When she passed away I was hoping to find hers so I would have another one when mine wore out , but she must have gotten rid of it! If anyone ever sees one in a garage sale, think of me! I will pay you what you paid plus postage! They are great, but I can't find where they make them anymore.
I am making shredded tri-tip sandwiches tonite. I haven't really been cooking much lately. I better go start the dough for the rolls right now!

Weather here cooled down a little, so I was able to get some work done. I cooked mostly for the dog.

We've been each on their own for dinner most nights this week. I made fixin's for make your own nachos one night and SO made a great potato salad and fried up some fish patties another night. It's either been too hot to cook, or nice and cool, so we worked a lot and were too tired to cook.
Well lunch was going as planned when I got a call from my daughter that she and 3 kids were swinging on the front porch swing when it broke (swing was on one end of the porch and it swung out over the drive) all the kids landed on her and was not hurt but she ended up at the hospital for a knee and a arm, tore everything up really bad and pulled everything in both of them. None of the kids even had a scratch thank God, it could of been so much worse. She is home resting now.

What a day, the food was great and everyone had a good time.

Was really too hot here to even eat but they all managed it anyway. So didn't I LOL.

Hope you all had great days and great food.
Well, we've had a heat wave. Just too hot to cook or go to the store. I have been creative with the meals, using what we have in the house.
Over the last three days I made: lime jello with berries, green salad (the greens are from the garden and are all in one bags and other ingredients to be added per individual choice in bowls or other plastic bags) with hardboiled eggs, cheese, tuna salad; sandwiches, left over spaghetti with fresh garlic, butter, parsley and grated cheese, chocolate pudding pie in a cracker crust with packaged whipped cream (dream whip).
It is still hot today, I am thinking of making a pasta salad, with fava beans and ham. We'll see. Those require cooking. SO is considering grilling some chicken on the bbq. We still have some pie left and lots of salad greens.
Sounds like you're making due in very creative ways, FarmerDenise.
I hope the heat wave passes soon. We've been lucky down here so far - mid-70s.

I'm not sure what we're doing for dinner today. We have family in town so will be eating out tonight.
Seems like I was in the kitchen most of the day yesterday. Our grandsons and my DD and SIL were coming home after a very long vacation so I cooked some of their favorites. I made cinnamon rolls, banana bread, tacos, salsa with chips. We got lots of hugs and kisses when we saw the grandsons.

Tonight, I'm taking it easier. We are having Pizza Tator Tot Casserole. I'm working on clearing the freezers and this recipe will take care of some cooked ground beef, a bit of pepperoni, the 1/2 bag of tator tots, peppers and cheese.

Stay cool and safe.

Zoo, hope your DD is better today. Glad to hear the grandkids are ok. A crazy accident that could have been worse.

Thanks Praire she has been back in the hospital every night since with a new injury they missed.

Not cooking to much here either, last week it was in the high 90's everyday. So sandwiches and salads here.

Today who knows nobody is hungry.

Have a great day.

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