Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

I have pinto BBQ beans in the crock pot. It has been working on them all night.
It is so full I will have to cook the onions and bacon separate and add them after we have eaten some.
I think Burgers to go with them. and salad.
What are your Labor Day food menu plans, peeps?
I think I will make a huge bowl of either potato salad or pasta salad.... and????
I am so unimaginative lately.
What are your Labor Day food menu plans, peeps?
I think I will make a huge bowl of either potato salad or pasta salad.... and????
I am so unimaginative lately.
I'll be out of town on Labor day, so no big menu here. When I go visit my mom and sister, we usually just do a Mexican type bar. Folks can make taco salad, tacos, nachos, whatever, all from the same basic ingredients.

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