Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

That sounds good. We were going to have venison chili, but I think soup and grilled cheese sounds better.
It is soup and sandwich weather,
(It went down to 80 degrees yesterday! Brrr. )
That sounds good. We were going to have venison chili, but I think soup and grilled cheese sounds better.
It is soup and sandwich weather,
(It went down to 80 degrees yesterday! Brrr. )

It went up to 80 degrees yesterday! My gosh it's hot.
That sounds good. We were going to have venison chili, but I think soup and grilled cheese sounds better.
It is soup and sandwich weather,
(It went down to 80 degrees yesterday! Brrr. )

It went up to 80 degrees yesterday! My gosh it's hot.
We will be in the 90s by Sunday. Hopefully that will be the last hot spell for us.

Making pot pie tonight!
I love that our country is large enough to have such different weather for everyone!

Honey put a ham in the crockpot for me this am, and we'll have cauliflower with it. And fresh tomatoes, it's getting end of the season and pickings are slim. We're enjoying them while we can!
My father LOVES them. I have tried my entire live to acquire an appreciation for them. Then I discovered kale.

My grandmother would cook collards in bacon grease and add sugar. It makes the medicine go down. They are not bad this way, just bad for you.

I have cooked them with tomato sauce and they are... okay.

basically: They aren't thrilling, The are good for you.

You could tell him that. Then he'll look up at you from his plate and say,"I'm not three anymore."
Or at least that's how it went down at our house.

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