Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Don't you just hate it when a meal out falls flat like that? it's so disappointing.

That's when it's good to have back-up at home. We had similar with our friend's birthday dinner. They were serving Mexican food and we know they really like to bring the spice. We eat what we call Mexican food all the time, but we're Gringos and there's not much spice. So, I had meatloaf and taters at home as a back up in case we couldn't eat what was served.

Last night we had beef veggie soup.

tonight will be chicken parm with salad.
That's why the wife and I rarely eat out. It's almost always a let down.
The last time we ate out, we were on a road trip, and let ourselves get way too hungry. We stopped at a Wendy's, got two spicy chicken sandwiches, 2 sides of cold stale fries, and two small drinks.
The total was almost $20 bucks

Upon pulling into the driveway, I got out and immediately tossed those groceries.
Don't you just hate it when a meal out falls flat like that? it's so disappointing.

That's when it's good to have back-up at home. We had similar with our friend's birthday dinner. They were serving Mexican food and we know they really like to bring the spice. We eat what we call Mexican food all the time, but we're Gringos and there's not much spice. So, I had meatloaf and taters at home as a back up in case we couldn't eat what was served.

Last night we had beef veggie soup.

tonight will be chicken parm with salad.

It's so annoying. And it's not like it was cheap. Two appetizers, a beer, and a glass of wine was $35.
That's why the wife and I rarely eat out. It's almost always a let down.
The last time we ate out, we were on a road trip, and let ourselves get way too hungry. We stopped at a Wendy's, got two spicy chicken sandwiches, 2 sides of cold stale fries, and two small drinks.
The total was almost $20 bucks

Upon pulling into the driveway, I got out and immediately tossed those groceries.
Doesn't that just make you so angry?!?!

My hubs and I really like to eat out, although we don't as much as we used to. But we are a bit 'snobby' when we do go out. We usually drive up to Portland and can spend anywhere from $100 to $200 for dinner, and about 99.9% of the time it has been well worth it.

Once in a while if I'm starving and don't want to stop and get out of the car I'll go through a Burger King and get a fish sandwich and a chocolate shake. I do that once or twice a year, and it's not bad. My hubs would rather die than go through a fast food drive thru. Except for Starbucks.
Jumping in here. I follow "Hey Grampa" quite a bit, but seldom comment. Seems to me the 4 of you that post the most are all excellent cooks. Its no wonder your Hungarian restaurant turned you off, cause you know you all can cook better. Me on the other hand,. $100 to $200 tab would get the best of me. We have our favorite haunts we like to frequent, seldom does the meal, drinks & tip exceed $50. bucks, and always a happy stomach.
I do have that problem with eating out sometimes. I'm always thinking " I could cook this at home for way less money, and it would probably taste better". And right now I have plenty of time to cook, it's not a rush job for me. But, sometimes it's nice to have someone else cook and do the dishes. We have local Mexican and Chinese places we like to go, that's about it, and that not too often. Cause I'm cheap
I do have that problem with eating out sometimes. I'm always thinking " I could cook this at home for way less money, and it would probably taste better". And right now I have plenty of time to cook, it's not a rush job for me. But, sometimes it's nice to have someone else cook and do the dishes. We have local Mexican and Chinese places we like to go, that's about it, and that not too often. Cause I'm cheap

I feel the same way. I'm a pretty good cook and I enjoy it for the most part, and I like to experiment with recipes and odd ingredients, so most things that I get 'out' I know that I can probably do better, for less money, and more healthy (or at least I know what I'm putting in it). That's why we don't eat out too often except for special occasions and because a new and/or interesting restaurant has opened.

I love reading recipes, food blogs, Tastespotting, watching food TV, etc. My issue with cooking is that I get tired of trying to decide what to cook. I'm really not very good at planning ahead, so it feels like I'm always scrambling. My husband is no help. When asked what he'd like, his answer is always 'something good'. Sigh. So here I am at 8:30 a.m. already trying to figure out what to cook tonight.

Ideas anyone?
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The boy is home for winter break, so we have been doing his favorites before he heads back.
Take out, dinners out, lunch out.
I really have not enjoyed it.

I am having a difficult time admitting this, but... I miss home cooked meals.
I wish I had me to that for me without me having to do it.

If you can follow that ...

I need a clone.

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