Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

I have the rotisserie going ..one Chipotle ..one garlic'y Teriyaki

Roasted taters with fresh backyard herbs, some leftover rice pilaf.. sort of, and a green salad.

I'm still thinking on the cheesecake ..it's a little warm for firing up the oven, yet.
I made stir fried beef with mushrooms and snow peas, served with rice. Home canned pears for desert.
Tomorrow SO is cooking, so maybe I'll make a desert using the puff pastry dough I thawed out yesterday and didn't use.
My DH is still working a crazy shift which makes meal planning a challenge - well more so than most days.

Wednesday we had Cheeseburger Sloppy Joes, chips, peppers, cottage cheese and applesauce. Toffee cookies for dessert.

If I can find some fresh corn while I'm out shopping today, we'll have roasted corn, my Nan's potato salad recipe and some "yard greens" from my back garden ..with the rest of the 2 birds I rotisseried yesterday.

Still considering the cheesecake ..but "my" pineapple upside down cake is tempting me, too. Hmmmm.. both?

Have a great weekend, everyone!
Hey all I still can't eat everything but I am getting there. Mac and cheese with creamed corn tonight. Can't wait.

Made a cake for my son's 17th BD and it was not bad. White cake with rasberry filling and rasberry frosting.

Make 3 cakes (9 inch) and cut them in half frosting each center and then put some rasberry jam on the frosting put cake back on frosting top the frost middle of second cake and jam on the top of that one, frost middle of third cake and jam that one then frosting all away around.

Frosting recipe

2 cups butter (soft)
1 Teaspoon white vanilla
1 bag (2lbs) powdered sugar
1 cup of smuckers rasberry syrup (found by the pancake syrup)

I doubled this recipe as we like lots of frosting here.

cream butter with vanilla, when light and fluffy add some sryup and some powdered sugar mix well keep adding until it is all blended.


I love my new appliances, especially my frig all 24 cubic feet of it.

I am still trying to paint my living room and kitchen but my time is running away with me.
Sounds like you are well on your way with the "real food" ..Zoo! Glad to see it!

It is a little too hot here to even think of a stove going, so I think dinner will be take out ..or something on the grill. We'll see what the wind brings..

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