Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Tonight will be chicken paprikas (cooking as I type), home made dumplings and green/yellow beans.
Baby back ribs, grilled cabbage in foil with bacon and onion and butter, baked beans, pasta salad, corn on the cob.

The first corn of the year is ready so I'm celebrating with creamed corn, green beans, stewed squash, cucumbers in vinegar and sliced tomatoes, all out of our garden. And cornbread.

The irony is that this kind of food is the whole reason I learned how to cook... Because I hated it!

When I was a kid we had a big garden and my mom cooked it all up to make my dad happy. I hated working in the garden and hated eating the vegetables.

My whole life, until I was old enough to drive, I rode to and from school with my mom who was a teacher. She would stop at the grocery store on the way home and I could either go in an help shop or sit in the hot car. If I helped shop I had input on supper. By the time I was ten I could put a meal on the table and could pretty much make anything I wanted for the family supper if I did all the work.

Mom was a good cook but she did not enjoy it.
Pork chops ..fried with some fresh mushrooms and onions...(to get them all a bit browned)
Then toss them in a slow cooker with a can of golden mushroom soup with some thyme. Cook on low all day.
Serve over mashed 'taters.
Boiled summer squash and butter on the side.

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