Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

BLT for sunday lunch. Thick bacon (and a lot of it) Brandywine tomato, straight out of the garden, on a fresh home baked roll. Hard to beat.

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I have some leftover beef I'm going to cut into strips and sautee it with some fresh roma tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic, and probably will make some quinoa and serve the beef and tomato/pepper mixture over the quinoa.

Or something like that. I dunno.

Maybe I'll stir-fry the beef strips with some sliced fresh ginger, onions, and oyster sauce.

I dunno. I'm doing something with leftover beef.
Last night, I plunked some country style pork ribs in a marinade so that I could put them right on the grill when I get done with work (11 hour shift- ugh). I will put some fingerling potatoes on the grill too, and toss together a salad. And I will be having a largish glass of pinot noir as well.
As I am on my first day of 6 11 hour shifts, I planned ahead and roasted a (home grown!) chicken last night. Tonight will be Chicken something. And the next night...and the next night...

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