High Protein Feed & Kidney Issues

Peaches Lee

14 Years
Sep 19, 2010
I have a mixed flock of hens and one bantam rooster. Their ages range from 13 years to 5 years old. Most of the flock are Orpingtons.

Last year I had an Orp hen (Jubilee) become very weak and unable to really stand or walk. So I separated her and noticed she was a bit thin. I offered her wet cat food along with her normal "layer mash" feed free choice. She made a recovery and is now living her best life.

Then this year, I had another Orp hen (blue splash) that exhibited the same type of weakness. So I did the same thing as the other hen and again, nicely recovered back to her old self again.

Both hens are 7 years old. And the recovery process took about 2 weeks (give or take).

So this led me to think that my locally milled "layer mash" was just not enough protein for my more larger, bulkier girls.

I purchased Layena+ High Protein feed (19% protein). My flock seems to like it, they don't devour it as readily as other food, but they do receive a lot of (healthy) kitchen scraps.

I've recently read that too high protein can cause kidney problems and am now wondering if I should supplement with the high protein feed, and use a lower protein feed as their daily ration.

Any thoughts or experiences?

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