Hmong chicks, 5 weeks - pullet or cockerel?

If I may ask, where did you get your hatching eggs from??
Sorry for the late reply! I got them from Sugar Feather Farm up in Vermont, they were in driving distance from me but they also ship eggs. The owner was very nice and knowledgeable, and she says the Hmong birds are her favorites. They also have lots of other rare breeds. I definitely recommend them!
Oh wow, what a nice surprise! I've got these two little ones (~6 weeks old) who I was trying to compare with yours, hehe. The slightly bigger comb size of the lighter one has me suspicious but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they're both pullets too. Congrats on the first egg, Blackbird!
It’s been a couple weeks now, sorry for the late reply, but both your babies could still be pullets - a couple of mine had combs a lot like that at that same age. Since I had no cockerels I can’t say what they looked like in comparison to my pullets, but they do mature slowly and the black skin makes it extra difficult to judge since comb color can be just as telling as size. Good luck, your babies are lovely and Hmongs are wonderful birds!
This is the first time I’ve seen this thread, and I don’t know anything about this breed, so I was guessing as I read along, hoping there would be an answer at the end. I had not seen any that looked like cockerels to me, not even that first one. All pullets, how nice! (Unless you needed a rooster for breeding.)
I actually was hoping for a cockerel or two, I’ve heard male Hmongs have great temperament and get along with each other really well. Plus, they’re just gorgeous. Oh well, maybe next time! This was my first time raising non-sexed chicks, so looking back now, I had no idea what I was looking for haha.

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