Homeschooling fam

Hello and welcome to BYC! That's so awesome that you homeschool!❤️
Best of luck to you with your hatch! What breeds are you going to hatch? And how many eggs are you setting?😊
We are doing silkies (as requested by the kids) and Easter Eggers (for better eggs, as requested by the husband). :D We are doing 6 of each. Shipped. :fl
We are doing silkies (as requested by the kids) and Easter Eggers (for better eggs, as requested by the husband). :D We are doing 6 of each. Shipped. :fl
Great choices! My easter egger and her daughter (EE and sapphire gem mix), are great layers. They lay all year!!😁 They lay way more consistently than all my other breeds in the winter.

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