hooded merganser

RIP my beloved hooded merganser drake. He was so friendly and began eating out of my hand. He did not come running to me today so I searched and found him dead... Very upset. Here are some pictures:


Young hen.

Last picture taken of him...

Now my hens are without a mate. The breeder was paired up with him, but now I cannot run the experiment with breeder hen and young drake...
Sorry to hear that blue. Do you think it was from the long shipping issue?
Thanks. I do not really now. He seemed healthy and I do not think it was due to shipping. I did check his underside and he seemed a decent size. I thought he would be a bit fatter. It did take him a while to start eating. The drake was one of the smarter ducks because he went inside when he was cold. A nest box was in a corner with a few inches behind it for a duck to fit through. He was behind it facing the window. His body was found with head back and wings and legs kind of spread out. I just about never see any ducks hiding there. I am almost wondering if it was injury. He was smart and did not fly around like the crazy mandarins do trying to escape when a human comes.
I feel like I should give up with them, but they are too nice! Plus they get friendly fast. On the idea of giving up, I am about done with chiloe wigeons. I finally got a replacement drake, but it is a hen. When I actually had a drake before the original drake died, they would not pair up even after being separated, which is when the drake died since he wanted to get back to his wood duck. I have no idea what to do this breeding season. The hen will probably have wasted eggs again...
I have to make one more phone call to see if someone in NY has any for sale... I will keep the hens, it is just they will probably not have a mate. They are too nice and friendly to give up on!
Sorry about you loss blue creek:( I actually will be buying some hoodies very soon they will be in a mixed my red heads and wood ducks the pond will be 50x25 and ill be stocking it with lots of crawfish for them too eat the only problem is I might be getting some ruddy ducks too and I've heard that Rudy ducks can bully them pretty badly what do u guys think??
I have seen collections that keep ruddy ducks and hooded mergansers together. It does sound like your pen is large enough for them to get away. Ruddy ducks are not very mobile on land! It is comical seeing them on land. Yes, I have heard ruddy ducks can get aggressive, but hopefully you do not have any problems with that. Who are you getting your hoodies from?

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