HOT in Memphis over 100 temp. How do I cool my chickens?

Flip the lids from the big Rubbermain containers upside down and fill those with waters. I find groups of birds just standing in the water during the hottest part of the day.

I also picked up some misters that go on my fans in the coop. Amazing how effective they are to cool things down. I turn them on for a few minutes several times a day, drops the temps quite a bit.
Ha HA, Dawn! The conditions you describe sound like a typical summer here in Texas. But, I guess whenever we have "severe" winter weather the northerners laugh at us, too. We call off school and work for an inch of snow and everyone panics. Julie can do as she pleases, but I was just trying to let her know that the heat is completely safe for the birds. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll have a hard winter and you can laugh at me when I'm asking "What should I do for my freezing birds? Do they need blankets? Should I build a fire? Should I make them some hot cocoa?". Your pets are your pets, not mine. You can pamper your pets if you want, but I'm just saying they don't need it.
I give my girls frozen grapes in the middle of the day. It really seems to cool them off and funny to watch at the same time. The ducks love it too! We have also done frozen yogurt. I buy the big tub of strawberry generic yogurt and freeze the whole thing. Then let it sit on the counter for a few minutes to loosen it easier from the tub and dump it in a dish for the chickies. They love it. Then recycle the tub with grapes and start the whole process over again!! I'm in Texas and 106* is the norm in the summer but I know I've never adjusted to it and I'm 33! So I feel for the chickies!

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