How can I make my chickens happier?


In the Brooder
May 6, 2024
I love my chickens dearly. I have six SGEs right now (Tyrone, Shaniqua, Rashonda, Laquandra, Babygirl (my favorite!), and Tupac), and I really want to make sure they’re at their happiest. I let them free range when I’m off work and outside with them, have some CDs and other enrichment items in their coop/run, add certain herbs to their feed, give them fruits and veggies a few times a week, and obviously cuddles and scratches. They make lots of noise when I announce my arrival and eagerly wait to be let out and get some lovin’. Their favorite spot is a small part of my garden where they can roll and take dust baths, and they make a lovely trilling sound when they do so. They’re very active foragers as well. Also, is getting groomed and preened by them normal lol? I think I’m worried that they’re not happy enough, and I wondered: what are some ways you guys ensure your chickies happiness? I don’t even care about the meat or eggs at this point— I just truly adore having them as pets. (Yes. I do take them on walks in my neighborhood and they love it :) )


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Here's a way to ensure your chickens' happiness. Keep doing everything you already do for them!
I mean, just think about it: you free range them, play music for them, give them special treats, cuddle them, allow them to take baths in a special part of your garden... What makes you think they wouldn't be happy enough? I don't think you'd need to do anything more than what you're already doing for them if they're healthy, content, and enjoying their life. It's normal to feel like you're not doing enough, though. Believe me, I feel that way all the time! But do you want to know why you feel that way? It's because you love your flock.
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Here's a way to ensure your chickens' happiness. Keep doing everything you already do for them!
I mean, just think about it: you free range them, play music for them, give them special treats, cuddle them, allow them to take baths in a special part of your garden... What makes you think they wouldn't be happy enough? I don't think you'd need to do anything more than what you're already doing for them if they're healthy, content, and enjoying their life. It's normal to feel like you're not doing enough, though. Believe me, I feel that way all the time! But do you want to know why you feel that way? It's because you love your flock
Thank you so, so much! The encouragement really helps. I feel like a first-time parent sometimes with them lol
What you are doing is absolutely amazing! I’ve got a flock of twelve and I do often feel the same way. Your chickens clearly love you very much, and I would say that they are already extremely happy. Your girls have a great chicken parent, and I don’t think they could wish for anything better. Just keep doing exactly what you are doing! I love that you take them on walks, and they are absolutely adorable ❤️. They are beautiful girls, I can tell you take great care of them 😄
Thank you so, so much! The encouragement really helps. I feel like a first-time parent sometimes with them lol
Seriously, I just got four baby chicks and I was a wreck with worry. Is the heat plate too cold? Too hot? Am I giving them enough food? Am I giving them enough water? Are they making the brooder too wet when they flap-dance in it? Did I use the right bedding? Should I have not let her eat that bug?!
All four are perfectly fine, But it's totally normal to go over the edge with worry, no matter how silly the reasons can be!
What you are doing is absolutely amazing! I’ve got a flock of twelve and I do often feel the same way. Your chickens clearly love you very much, and I would say that they are already extremely happy. Your girls have a great chicken parent, and I don’t think they could wish for anything better. Just keep doing exactly what you are doing! I love that you take them on walks, and they are absolutely adorable ❤️. They are beautiful girls, I can tell you take great care of them 😄
So glad I’m not the only one out that there feels like this! I didn’t expect to get such a big emotional attachment to them, either! Thanks so much!
Seriously, I just got four baby chicks and I was a wreck with worry. Is the heat plate too cold? Too hot? Am I giving them enough food? Am I giving them enough water? Are they making the brooder too wet when they flap-dance in it? Did I use the right bedding? Should I have not let her eat that bug?!
All four are perfectly fine, But it's totally normal to go over the edge with worry, no matter how silly the reasons can be!
Oh, absolutely! I got so worried about the temperature being right for them that I actually had their brooder in my room so I could watch over them for the first few weeks of life… had to do plenty of carpet shampooing and disinfecting afterwards 😂
Seems like you’re doing a fabulous job, I bet they’re super happy. Love that they get leashed walks 😂❤️🐓
Thank you! No, it’s so much fun taking them on those walks… I take two at a time. Gives me my “scary dog privileges” so I can walk at night and people want NOTHING to do with me and my chickens. 😂 I’ve had people cross the road to get to the other side…
Oh, absolutely! I got so worried about the temperature being right for them that I actually had their brooder in my room so I could watch over them for the first few weeks of life… had to do plenty of carpet shampooing and disinfecting afterwards 😂
Yeah... totally me...
But you sound like a wonderful chicken keeper who cares very much about your ladies!

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