How do you water your button quail babies????


10 Years
Feb 18, 2009
I hatched out my first batch of button babies and have had 4 drown in a small butter dish lid.. I figured it was shallow enough but i was wrong... Need help before someone else tries to swim.. It would be greatly apprecited! thanks;)
Mate get a dish and put some shells or glass/plastic pebbies in it to allow the chicks to stand in the dish without being covered in water. The dish doesnt need to be really deep either.
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I would say get something smaller that they can't climb inside of. I don't really know but I hope you have taken that out already.
I use a jar lid with marbles in it, and have yet to have 1 drown (Knock on wood) But does anybody know how long I need to keep the marbles in, my Buttons are about a week old.
Is the lid big enough to stand a cup or something in it? I had done this before, it works until you can get to the pet store and get some parakeet feeder/waterers. Those work great, the 'spout' part of the ones I have aren't even big enough for a baby button to get into. They work good for baby chickens and adult button quail as well.
I was thinking maybe a pop bottle lid?? But thats kinda deep for them really....The lip on the butter dish lid is only about1/8 of an inch deep...i will try the marbles .... Any other suggestions would be appreciated also;) As i do have more in the bator;)
I had a concern about my chicks that started hatching last nigh so I got those glass things that look like bubbles in the water & filled my chick waterer.
I replyed to your PM sorry I went to bed early last night.
I use a baby food jar lid with glass stones in it. You can pick them up at the dollar store.
Babies I need pictures of the babies
I got a quail chick waterer lid from TSC...... same as small chick waterer's but there is no lip for them to fall into... the water surface area is close to 1/4 inch, not even enough for a baby to get his head stuck

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