How far have you driven just to get a chicken ?

100 miles round trip for hens I ended up having to sell 6 months later because they were so flighty and would not lay.
I'm glad everyone is telling there story's about there journey's to get there birds . just wanted to see if there was crazy people like me who will do what they have to to get good birds ! this is what i drove for.
" Little B " My serama cockerel !
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1140 miles to get this cock and two hens and picked up three araucanas while I was there....with my daughter and her two daughters....road trip!!!

So worth it. Earlier this spring I went 800 miles to get these:

but I only had to drive 45 minutes to get these from Grady Taylor:

You are with like kind here!
ETA: I am going to make my husband read this thread....he thinks I'm nuts.
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Man, I thought I was going to have people think I was crazy for driving 160 miles round trip for 3 chickens!


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