How far have you driven just to get a chicken ?

That does make sense. Thank you for answering me so quickly. I have had chickens for a little over a year now. I have RIR's and 1 minorca. So I am just learning about all the different types. My next chickens are going to be Silkies. I am so excited.
I thought chickens were just chickens and you could get them in brown and white! WOW was I suprised at the diversity available! It's like can't quit! I now have polish (love them and their quirky ways), some silkies, a showgirl, a cuckoo marans, a barred rock and a feral rooster that took up here. My prized tolbunt pair (my most favorites) a pair of Gold lacedxtolbunt young birds and the trio of o shamo (the ultimate chicken for me) and three araucanas (for blue eggs). Oh and six seramas from Grady Taylor. Goodness they add up after a bit.....
I thought chickens were just chickens and you could get them in brown and white! WOW was I suprised at the diversity available! It's like can't quit! I now have polish (love them and their quirky ways), some silkies, a showgirl, a cuckoo marans, a barred rock and a feral rooster that took up here. My prized tolbunt pair (my most favorites) a pair of Gold lacedxtolbunt young birds and the trio of o shamo (the ultimate chicken for me) and three araucanas (for blue eggs). Oh and six seramas from Grady Taylor. Goodness they add up after a bit.....

The silkies really are fluffy like rabbits. They are my grandkids favorites.
1,400 miles round trip to get these (Modesto CA to Stevenson WA):


This was my DD the day we got them.
Because some chickens are more rare or valuable than others.

Showing is one, the ability to make money off them is another, quality aside from showing is another (say I want a better dual purpose flock, I'm not gonna get some random cheap hatchery-based stock!) and another is rare breeds.

Some people consider chickens as important as others would consider horses, dogs, etc. Remember, if it weren't for us crazy chicken people who show, breed, and breath chickens - You with the pet laying hens wouldn't have the breeds, colors, strains, sizes, and availability you do now.

My Shamos I went through some good amount of money and time to get because they're a rare breed that is so incredibly different (behaviorally, intellectually, physically, etc) from your average hen, and getting a good pair and more to preserve the breed is worth the time and money. Plus they do make far more money than a flock of Production Reds.

I spent a good amount of money and gas on my Sussex hens for a better dual purpose flock. They're imported line girls that weigh easily over 8 lbs and will do me great. Their offspring and grandchicks will provide excellent food for me, my family, and our dogs. Much healthier, tastier, and more humane than buying from the store, and much more efficient than getting, say, the neighbor's Australorps.

And then there's the stuff that's just too awesome but also too rare to drive 30 miles to get.
So that's when driving longer distances or shipping long distances comes in handy. Remember, you can't get everything from your neighbor or your favorite hatchery.
It's a valid question. For me I wanted O shamos and no one near me had any so off I went. I refuse to ship a chicken as I could not imagine the horror of dying a slow death from lack of water inside a cardboard box. That risk is not acceptable to me at all. The chickens I went after will be/are cherished pets that I hope to have for many many years...not replaceable chickens (if that makes sense!). I have since found out that you can ship them on Delta airlines and I would be willing to do that as the seller puts them on the plane and you go to the airport to pick them up when they come in. That seems less risky than putting them in a package and sending them with all the other mail.

i drive cause shipping costs are around $65 a bird (i refuse to pay that to ship a bird) and there is a risk of the bird dieing or getting injured. plus no one near by has the birds i like

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