How long do I have to wait?


In the Brooder
May 28, 2024
I purchased my chicks in April and was expecting them to start laying in August. I recently had a friend tell me not to be surprised if they don’t start laying until this coming spring. The reason being when they finally matured to the point of laying, the amount of daylight hours had started to decrease. Has anyone else had this same experience?
Occasionally a pullet will wait until days are getting longer to lay, but those hatched in April are more likely to start to lay in late summer or early fall. Pullets who begin laying in the fall often lay the first winter, but not all of them do.
For the future keep in mind that mature hens will molt (usually late fall) and take a break from laying until the days begin to lengthen.
I had that happen with leghorns I bought as day olds in July. They started laying during January. And Andalusians that hatched in August, started laying in Feb-March. The increasing daylight is a factor, depending on breeds/ages, and how much sunlight you get. I'm in Arizona, was north of Phoenix.

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