How long until corid starts working?

You can decrease the dosage to 1/2 tsp per gallon for an additional 5 days. See the chart below:
Hi @Eggcessive just wanted to follow up and say thank you for all the input. My chickens recovered within 48 hrs of the meds (bloody stools were gone by Thursday afternoon!), and are finishing up the full strength dose tomorrow before decreasing the dose. Does this mean that they have some immunity now? It was so humid and wet around the time that they got coccidiosis, but I can't stop the weather! So will they be okay for a little now? Thanks for all the feedback.
So glad they are doing well. Usually with some gradual exposure to coccidia in the soil, most healthy chickens will build up tolerance to the strains in their soil from 8-20 weeks of age. If they are sickly or immune-compromised later on, older chickens can get an overload of coccidia. Probiotics (Probios, other brands) or a good plain yogurt with cultures can be helpful for your pullets to build up immunity and Benicia gut bacteria.
So glad they are doing well. Usually with some gradual exposure to coccidia in the soil, most healthy chickens will build up tolerance to the strains in their soil from 8-20 weeks of age. If they are sickly or immune-compromised later on, older chickens can get an overload of coccidia. Probiotics (Probios, other brands) or a good plain yogurt with cultures can be helpful for your pullets to build up immunity and Benicia gut bacteria.
Thank you! Once they are fully through the Corid, I plan to ferment their food too. I'll add yogurt from time to time as well. Again, really appreciate all the help, good to know that they should be more tolerant now. They're 12 weeks old, so hopefully this means that they will be more tolerant now that they've gone through sickness. It never got really bad. This website and all the advice helped me catch it super early.

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